The ongoing pandemic has caused a shift in how courts and attorneys operate. More courts are...
One of the most difficult decisions to make outside of deciding to file for a divorce is deciding...
People often have questions about alimony. There is a common misconception that only the husband...
On June 28, 2018, the Florida Supreme Court issued a ruling on an issue that has long plagued...
On July 1, 2018, many new laws and amendments went into effect in Florida. Here are some of the...
A question we commonly receive is, “what county should I file my case in?”. As with most other...
Did you know, in order to get a divorce in Washington D.C., you must be physically separated (not...
Recently a court in New York ruled a couple’s 30-year-old son must move out. Most children will...
This week, we give you a “do” and a “don’t” to help with a dissolution of marriage and...